Reducing Agitation in Someone Who Has Dementia

Elder Care Marana, AZ: Reducing Agitation
Elder Care Marana, AZ: Reducing Agitation

If your elderly loved one has dementia, it might be helpful for you to learn all you can about certain behaviors and emotions they might have. There are many people who suffer from dementia that get very agitated. There are numerous reasons why your elderly loved one might get agitated. However, the best thing you and elder care providers can do for them is to reduce their agitation, whenever possible. Learn more about the ways that you can do this starting today.  

Keeping Calm 

One of the most important things you should do when your elderly loved one is getting agitated is to keep calm. If you or an elder care provider starts getting agitated, this is likely to make your loved one’s agitation even worse.  

If your loved one is getting agitated, take some deep breaths. Get yourself calm and into a more peaceful mindset. This can help you to calm your elderly loved one down and make things go smoother. When your loved one sees you are calm, it can reassure them that everything is alright.  

Slowing Down 

Your elderly loved one might be agitated because they feel like everything is chaotic. When your elderly loved one is agitated for this reason, stop what you are doing. Slow everything down a bit. Listen to your elderly loved one. Are they telling you they are upset? Are they saying they want to leave and go somewhere? This could be because they are overwhelmed in the situation they are in. You can slow things down and get them refocused. Offer to help them, if needed.  

Focusing on the Feelings 

It is important to remember that dementia will affect someone’s ability for reasoning. However, their emotions and feelings are still very intact. If you or an elder care provider find that your loved one is agitated, focus on the feelings they are having. If you try to reason with them, this will likely make things worse. Look at what their body language is trying to tell you. Body language is often one of the ways you can see someone’s emotions.  

If you can focus on your elderly loved one’s feelings, this can help you to see why they are so agitated. Then, you can come up with a plan to help them feel better. 


These are some of the things that you can do if your elderly loved one is agitated. Dementia affects the brain in so many ways. There are many people who have dementia who get agitated easily. This happens more often as the disease progresses. However, if you and the elder care providers can find ways to help your loved one reduce agitation, you can help them to feel better. 

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Elder Care in Marana, AZ please contact the caring staff at Sunlife Home Care today at (877) 888-1311.
